Alexander Gordin, Managing Director, published this informational article in NY Enterprise. The introduction and link to the article are below:
President Obama has been leading the charge to increase exports as a highly effective way to boost our nation’s economy. I very much agree with this initiative and firmly believe that U.S. companies have superb potential in selling their goods and services overseas. Many foreign markets, especially those in emerging and transitioning countries, offer attractive opportunities for profit, market positioning and growth.
Yet the risks of doing business in some of those countries may far outweigh the rewards. Risk factors range from reputational and financial to health and life. It is crucial to develop a sober risk-assessment framework and view it side-by-side with possible opportunities.
Always evaluate Upside vs. Downside. I’ve told this to my sons for as long as I can remember and when doing business abroad, this maxim may one day save your life.